RCA VR688HF manual Cable Box Setup, Cable box not used for all channels, Cable BOX Setup

Models: VR688HF

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Setting Up the VCR


7. RCA digital satellite receiver and/or cable box setup. (continued)

Cable Box Setup

E.Setup the VCR to control a cable box: Press 1 if you would like to setup the VCR to control a cable box.

Press 2 if you do not want to setup the VCR to control a cable box.

F.Cable box not used for all channels:

Press 2. You are finished with CABLE BOX SETUP. Skip to Step 8.

Cable box used for all channels: Press 1 to continue.

Press two numbers on the remote to enter the channel that your VCR receives signals from your cable box. Press 0 before a single-digit number. Valid numbers are 01 – 13.

If you connected your cable box to the VCR using the boxÕs AUDIO/VIDEO OUT jacks, press

INPUT to select VIDEO1 or VIDEO2.

Press CLEAR on the remote to correct an entry.

G.Press MENU•PROG to proceed.

The VCR will now receive all signals from the cable box on channel – – message appears.

H.Press MENU•PROG to proceed.

I.Manually Controlled Cable Box: You are finished with cable box setup. Press

MENU•PROG to exit. Proceed to Step 8.

Remote Controlled Cable Box: Enter your cable box code from the chart on the next page and follow the on-screen directions. The VCR changes the cable box from channel 02 to channel 09 when you enter the correct code for your cable box.

If none of the codes work, try repositioning the cable box and entering the codes again. If the codes still do not work, this VCR cannot control your cable box during VCR plus+ or timer recordings. Press MENU•PROG to exit the CABLE BOX SETUP. Proceed to Step 8.


Would you like to set up the VCR to control a cable box?


2 No


Do you use your cable box to receive ALL channels?


2 No

CABLE BOX SETUP On what channel does the VCR receive signals from the cable box (usually 3, 4, or video)


Press 01-13 or INPUT

Press MENU to exit


The VCR will now receive all signals from the cable box on channel 03

Press MENU to proceed


Enter the code for your cable box from the list in your User's Manual.


Press MENU to exit


Please turn on the cable box and tune it to channel 2.

Press MENU to proceed


Did the cable box tune to channel 9?

1 YES, setup is complete

2 NO, try again


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RCA VR688HF Cable Box Setup, Cable box not used for all channels, Cable box used for all channels Press 1 to continue