6.9 Executing the Program
Execute the program as described in the following:
To execute the program, select [Go] from the [Debug] menu, or click the [Go] button on the
Figure 6.9 [Go] Button
When the program execution is started, ‘**RUNNING’ is displayed on the status bar.
The program will be executed up to the breakpoint that has been set, and an arrow will be
displayed in the [S/W Breakpoints] column to show the position that the program has halted, with
the message [BREAKPOINT] in the status bar.
Note: When the source file is displayed after a break, a path of the source file may be inquired.
The location of the source file is as follows:
The High-performance Embedded Workshop is installed to:
\ WorkSpace \Tutorial\E8\xxxx\Tutorial\Tutorial\source
The directory xxxx varies depending on each device.
e.g.: M32C
e.g.: M16C
e.g.: R8C/Tiny
e.g.: H8/Tiny normal mode
e.g.: H8/Tiny advanced mode
e.g.: H8/ Super Low Power