The High-performance Embedded Workshop provides a range of step menu commands that allow
efficient program debugging.
Table 6.2 Step Option
Command Description
Step In Executes each statement, including statements within functions.
Step Over Executes a function call in a single step.
Step Out Steps out of a function, and stops at the statement following the statement in the
program that called the function.
Step… Steps the specified times repeatedly at a specified rate.
6.13.1 Executing [Step In] Command
The [Step In] command steps into the called function and stops at the first statement of the called
• To step through the sort function, select [Step In] from the [Debug] menu, or click the [Step
In] button on the toolbar.
Figure 6.20 [Step In] Button
Figure 6.21 [Source] Window (Step In)
• The highlighted line moves to the first statement of the sort function in the [Source] window.