[Flash memory synchronization]
combo box Selects whether or not the contents of the flash memory are
acquired by the emulator when the user program is stopped or
the position where the PC break is set is put back as the
original code.
When the flash memory is not programmed by the user
program, its contents need not be acquired by the emulator.
If there is no problem with the state that the program in the
flash memory has been replaced as the PC break code, the
position where the PC break is set needs not be put back as the
original code.
Disable: Read or program is not performed for the flash
memory except when the emulator is activated, the
flash memory area is modified, and the settings of
the PC break to the flash memory area are changed.
PC to flash memory: When the user program is stopped, the
specified PC break code is replaced as
the original instruction. Select this
option if there is a problem with the state
that the program in the flash memory
has been replaced as the PC break code.
Flash memory to PC: When the user program is stopped, the
contents of the flash memory are read by
the emulator. Select this option if the
flash memory is reprogrammed by the
user program.
PC to flash memory, Flash memo r y to PC:
When the user program is stopped, the contents of the flash
memory are read by the emulator and the specified PC break
code is replaced as the original instruction. Select this option if
the flash memory is reprogrammed by the user program and
there is a problem with the state that the program in the flash
memory has been replaced as the PC break code.
Notes: 1. These dialog boxes differ depending on products. For details, refer to the online help.