6.15 Displaying Local Variables
The user can display local variables in a function using the [Locals] window. For example, we will
examine the local variables in the main function, which declares four local variables: a, j, i, and
Select [Locals] from the [Symbol] submenu of the [View] menu. The [Locals] window is
The [Locals] window shows the local variables in the function currently pointed to by the program
counter, along with their values. Note, however, that the [Locals] window is initially empty
because local variables are yet to be declared.
Figure 6.28 [Locals] Window
Click mark ‘+’ at the left side of array a in the [Locals] window to display the elements.
When the user refers to the elements of array a before and after the execution of the sort
function, it is clarified that random data is sorted in descending order.