4.1 Method for Activating High-performance Embedded Workshop
To activate the High-performance Embedded Workshop, follow the procedure listed below.
1. Connect the emulator to the host computer and the user system, then turn on the user system.
2. Select [Renesas] -> [High-performance Embedded Workshop] -> [High-performance
Embedded Workshop] from [Programs] in the [Start] menu of Windows®
3. The [Welcome!] dialog box is displayed.
Figure 4.1 [Welcome!] Dialog Box
[Create a new project workspace] radio button: Creates a new workspace.
[Open a recent project workspace] radio button: Uses the current workspace and displays
the history of the opened workspace.
[Browse to another project workspace] radio button: Uses the current workspace; this radio
button is used when the history of the
opened workspace does not remain.
In this section, we describe the following three ways to start up the High-performance Embedded
[Create a new project workspace] - a toolchain is not in use •
• [Create a new project workspace] - a toolchain is in use
[Browse to another project workspace]
The [Open a recent project workspace] radio button is used to omit the operation for specifying the
workspace file when [Browse to another project workspace] is selected.