Searching to select a registered
APress [Search].
BSelect [Search by User Code] us- ing {U} or {T}, and then press the {OK} key.
CEnter the user code of the desti- nation you want delete using the number keys, and then press the {OK} or {#} key.
DPress the {OK} or {#} key.
EPress the {OK} key.
Searching to select a registered
APress [Search].
BSelect [Search by Fax No.] using
{U} or {T}, and then press the {OK} key.
CEnter the fax number of the destination you want to delete using the number keys, and then press the {OK} key.
DPress the {OK} key.
E Select the destination you want to delete using {U} or {T}, and then press the {OK} key.
Searching to select a registered
APress [Search].
BSelect [Search by
CEnter the
For details about entering text, see p.95 “Entering Text”.