Effects List


Cyclically controls a filter to create cyclic change in timbre.



Adds a vowel character to the sound, making it similar to a human




Simulates the speaker type and mic settings used to record the

speaker sound.


Specifications of each Speaker Type

The speaker column indicates the diameter of each speaker unit (in

inches) and the number of units.

Parameter Value Description

Filter Type LPF, BPF Type of filter
The wah effect will be applied
over a wide frequency range.
The wah effect will be applied
over a narrow frequency range.
Manual # 0–127 Adjusts the center frequency at which
the effect is applied.
Peak 0–127 Adjusts the amount of the wah effect
that will occur in the range of the center
Set a higher value for Q to narrow
the range to be affected.
Sens # 0–127 Adjusts the sensitivity with which the
filter is controlled.
Polarity UP, DOWN Sets the direction in which the frequen-
cy will change when the auto-wah filter
is modulated.
The filter will change toward a
higher frequency.
The filter will change to-
ward a lower frequency.
Rate # 0.05–10.00 Hz,
note Frequency of modulation
Depth # 0–127 Depth of modulation
Phase # 0–180 deg Adjusts the degree of phase shift of the
left and right sounds when the wah ef-
fect is applied.
Low Gain -15– +15 dB Gain of the low range
High Gain -15– +15 dB Gain of the high range
Level 0–127 Output Level

Parameter Value Description

Drive Sw OFF, ON Turns Drive on/off.
Drive # 0–127 Degree of distortion
Also changes the volume.
Vowel1 a, e, i, o, u Selects the vowel.
Vowel2 a, e, i, o, u
Rate # 0.05–10.00 Hz,
note Frequency at which the two vowels
Depth # 0–127 Effect depth
Input Sync
Sw OFF, ON Determines whether the LFO for
switching the vowels is reset by the in-
put signal (ON) or not (OFF).
Input Sync
Threshold 0–127 Volume level at which reset is applied
Manual # 0–100 Point at which Vowel 1/2 switch
49 or less:
Vowel 1 will have a long-
er duration.
Vowel 1 and 2 will be of equal
51 or more:
Vowel 2 will have a
longer duration.
Low Gain -15– +15 dB Gain of the low frequency range
High Gain -15– +15 dB Gain of the high frequency range
Pan # L64–63R Stereo location of the output
Level 0–127 Output level
L in
R in
L out
R out

Auto Wah

2-Band EQ
2-Band EQ

Auto Wah

Formant 2-Band

L in
R in


L out

R ou


Pan R
Pan L

Parameter Value Description

Speaker Type (See the table right.) Type of speaker
Mic Setting 1, 2, 3 Adjusts the location of the mic
that is recording the sound of
the speaker.
This can be adjusted in
three steps, with the mic
becoming more distant in
the order of 1, 2, and 3.
Mic Level # 0–127 Volume of the microphone
Direct Level # 0–127 Volume of the direct sound
Level # 0–127 Output Level

Type Cabinet Speaker Micro-


SMALL 1 small open-back enclosure 10 dynamic
SMALL 2 small open-back enclosure 10 dynamic
MIDDLE open back enclosure 12 x 1 dynamic
JC-120 open back enclosure 12 x 2 dynamic
BUILT-IN 1 open back enclosure 12 x 2 dynamic
BUILT-IN 2 open back enclosure 12 x 2 condenser
BUILT-IN 3 open back enclosure 12 x 2 condenser
BUILT-IN 4 open back enclosure 12 x 2 condenser
BUILT-IN 5 open back enclosure 12 x 2 condenser
BG STACK 1 sealed enclosure 12 x 2 condenser
BG STACK 2 large sealed enclosure 12 x 2 condenser
MS STACK 1 large sealed enclosure 12 x 4 condenser
MS STACK 2 large sealed enclosure 12 x 4 condenser
METAL STACK large double stack 12 x 4 condenser
2-STACK large double stack 12 x 4 condenser
3-STACK large triple stack 12 x 4 condenser
L in
R in
L out
R out



Fantom-X678_r_e.book 273 ページ 2005年5月12日 木曜日 午後4時40分