Introductory Example

For this example, call T_free as follows:

T_free (encryptedData);

Note: Using T_free means you can no longer access the data at that address. Do not free a buffer until you no longer need the data it contains. If you will need the data later, you might want to save it to a file first.

You may want to zeroize any sensitive data before you free it. To do this, duplicate the following sequence after the do-while. If there is an error inside the do-whilebefore you zeroize and free, these important tasks will still be performed:

if ( != NULL_PTR) {

T_memset (, 0, rc4KeyItem.len); T_free (; = NULL_PTR; rc4KeyItem.len = 0;


Putting It All Together

Now we can put Steps 0 through 6 into a program. This program can be found in the file introex.c:

#include "bsafe.h"

void PrintBuf PROTO_LIST ((unsigned char *, unsigned int));

void main()




/* The RC4 key is hard-coded in this example. In a real application, use a random number generator to produce the key. */

unsigned char rc4KeyData[10] = {

0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x10


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R S A B S A F E C r y p t o - C D e v e l o p e r ’s G u i d e

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RSA Security 5.2.2 manual Putting It All Together, For this example, call Tfree as follows, Tfree encryptedData