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Korisnici u kućanstvima trebali bi kontaktirati prodavača kod kojega su kupili proizvod ili ured lokalne vlasti za pojedinosti o tome gdje i kako se ovaj predmet može odnijeti kako bi recikliranje bilo sigurno za okoliš.

Korisnici u tvrtkama trebaju kontaktirati dobavljača i provjeriti uvjete i odredbe kupovnog ugovora. Ovaj proizvod i njegova elektronička oprema ne smije se miješati s drugim komercijalnim otpadom.


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Samsung C61R2AEEP/XEH manual Korištenje ovog priručnika, Tekstu se koriste sljedeći simboli, Novom vlasniku

C61R2AEEP/XEH specifications

The Samsung C61R2AEE/XEH and C61R2AEEP/XEH are two advanced and energy-efficient refrigerator models that are designed to cater to the diverse needs of modern households. These models blend cutting-edge technology with sleek design, providing not only functionality but also aesthetic appeal.

One standout feature of the C61R2AEE/XEH and C61R2AEEP/XEH is the innovative Twin Cooling Plus technology. This system independently controls the cooling in the refrigerator and freezer compartments, ensuring that food remains fresher for longer periods. This is particularly beneficial for preserving the taste and texture of fruits, vegetables, and even ice cream. By preventing odors from mixing, it preserves the original flavors of the stored items.

Another notable characteristic is the digital inverter compressor that automatically adjusts its speed according to the cooling demand. This not only enhances energy efficiency but also leads to quieter operation. Furthermore, the energy efficiency of these models is reflected in their high energy ratings, making them an ideal choice for environmentally conscious consumers looking to lower their energy bills.

The design of the C61R2AEE/XEH and C61R2AEEP/XEH is both modern and functional. With spacious interiors and adjustable shelving, users can customize the storage layout according to their needs. The bright LED lighting illuminates every corner of the refrigerator, making it easy to find items even in low light conditions.

Additionally, these models come equipped with a Smart Sensor System that continuously monitors conditions inside the refrigerator, adjusting settings to maintain optimal temperatures. The Power Cool and Power Freeze features allow for rapid cooling and freezing of items, which can be a significant advantage when it comes to preparing for gatherings or special occasions.

For added convenience, these refrigerators include a water and ice dispenser, providing quick access to chilled water and ice without the need to open the appliance. The sleek exterior, featuring a fingerprint-resistant finish, ensures that these models maintain their pristine look, reducing the need for constant cleaning.

Overall, the Samsung C61R2AEE/XEH and C61R2AEEP/XEH models stand out in today’s market due to their blend of innovative features, aggressive energy efficiency, and classic design. They represent a smart investment for anyone seeking a reliable and aesthetically pleasing refrigerator.