Health and safety information

Use only Samsung-approved accessories

Using incompatible accessories may damage your camera, cause injury, or void your warranty.

Protect your camera’s lens

￿￿Do not expose the lens to direct sunlight, as this may discolour the image sensor or cause it to malfunction.

￿￿Protect your lens from fingerprints and scratches. Clean your lens with a soft, clean, debris-free lens cloth.

Ensure maximum battery and charger life

￿￿Overcharging batteries may shorten battery life. After charging is finished, disconnect the cable from your camera.

￿￿Over time, unused batteries will discharge and must be recharged before use.

￿￿Disconnect chargers from power sources when not in use. ￿￿Use batteries only for their intended purpose.

Exercise caution when using the camera in humid environments
Use earphones with caution

￿￿Do not use earphones while driving, cycling, or operating motorised vehicles. Doing so may create a traffic hazard and may be illegal in some areas.

￿￿Use only the minimum volume setting necessary. Listening to earphones at high volume can damage your hearing.

Important usage information

When transferring the camera from a cold environment to a warm and humid one, condensation can form on the delicate electronic circuitry and memory card. In this situation, wait for at least 1 hour until all moisture has evaporated before using the camera.

Check that the camera is operating properly before use

The manufacturer takes no responsibility for any loss of files or damage that may result from camera malfunction or improper use.

Allow only qualified personnel to service your camera

Do not allow unqualified personnel to service the camera or attempt to service the camera yourself. Any damage that results from unqualified service is not covered by your warranty.