Connect the camera to your PC. (p. 22)

Transferring files to your computer (for Windows)

Transferring multimedia files to the camera


2 On your PC, select My Computer ￿ Removable Disk. 3 Create new folders named “MP3,” “PMP,” and “TEXT.”

4 Copy multimedia files to the corresponding folders.

￿￿MP3 files to MP3 folder

￿￿SDC files to PMP folder

￿￿TXT files to TEXT folder

￿￿Multimedia files cannot be played or viewed if the folder names are incorrect.

￿￿Subfolders nested directly within the MP3, PMP and TEXT folders can be created. Files saved in deeply-nested subfolders may not be played or viewed.

￿￿You can save up to 200 files or 100 subfolders in each folder. You can save up to 200 total files and subfolders in combination.

￿￿File names or folder names with more than 120 characters (60 characters for 2-byte languages, such as Chinese or Korean) will not appear in the playlist.

Basic functions 24