Before contacting a service centre


Suggested remedies

The touch screen or

Remove the battery and insert it again.

buttons do not work




The memory card has

The memory card has not been reset.

an error

Format the card. (p. 89)




If you change the name of a file, your


camera may not play the file (the name of

Cannot play back files

the file should meet the DCF standard). If


you encounter this situation, play back files


on your computer.




￿￿ Make sure that the focus option you set


is suitable for close-up shots. (p. 47)

The photo is blurry

￿￿ Make sure that the subject is within

range of the flash. (p. 98)



￿￿ Make sure that the lens is clean. If not,


clean the lens. (p. 92)



The colours in the

An incorrect white balance can create

unrealistic colour. Select the proper white

photo do not match the

balance option to suit the light source.

actual scene

(p. 56)





￿￿ Your photo is overexposed. Adjust the

The photo is too bright

exposure value. (p. 53)


￿￿ Turn off the flash. (p. 45)




Suggested remedies


￿￿ Make sure that the camera is correctly

The TV does not

connected to the external monitor with

the A/V cable.

display your photos

￿￿ Make sure that your memory card



contains photos.




￿￿ Make sure that the USB cable is

Your computer does

connected correctly.

￿￿ Make sure that your camera is switched

not recognise your



￿￿ Make sure that you are using a



supported operating system.



Your computer

The file transmission may be interrupted by

disconnects the camera

static electricity. Disconnect the USB cable

while transferring files

and connect it again.



Appendixes 97