Using the Text Viewer mode

Learn how to view text files.

1 Access the Text Viewer mode and view a file. (p.78)


This user manual includes detailed usage instructions for your camera. Please read this manual thoroughly. Click a button below for more information.


Icon Description

Remaining battery capacity

1/2 Current page/Number of pages

2 Use the following icons and buttons to control playback.




Change the mode. This icon indicates the encoding




Open the file list.




Adjust volume or mute sound (if the background music


turns on).




￿￿ Go to the previous page.

￿￿ Skip 10 pages (hold).





￿￿ Go to the next page .

￿￿ Skip 10 pages (hold).


[MENU] Change the Text Viewer mode settings.

* The encoding type will be displayed as or .

￿￿ANSI (American National Standards Institute) type: you have to set the language to match that of the text file. (p. 85)

￿￿Unicode type: you do not have to set the language to match that of text file.

￿￿If text is displayed incorrectly, save it as an ANSI file using a text editor on your computer (such as Notepad for Windows).

￿￿Some characters or symbols may not be displayed correctly.

￿￿Text files that are improperly encoded may be corrupted.

￿￿A file that is bigger than 10 MB may take longer to open or may not open. Divide large files into multiple, smaller files for faster access.

Multimedia 83