Upper-Case Alphabet Mode (A): allows you to enter upper-case characters.

Lower-Case Alphabet Mode (a): allows you to enter lower-case characters.

Note: You can enter symbols in upper or lower case alphabet mode by pressing the


T9 Mode (T9): allows you to enter characters by pressing one key per letter. In this mode, you can use only the 0 key to display alternative

words. To change case, press the key.

Number Mode (1): allows you to enter numbers.

Selecting and Using Menu Options

Various menus are available when you are using the WAP Browser to navigate the Wireless Web.

To access a menu option, press the Options soft key. A menu list displays.

Press the Up Navigation key and press the soft key or the key.

Note: The menus may vary, depending on your version of the WAP Browser.

The following options are available:

Go to: It allows you to move a certain page you selected.

Back: returns you to the previous menu.

Home: takes you back at any time to the homepage of the Wireless Web service provider.

Reload: reloads the current page.

Send URL: sends the displayed URL to a contact you specify.

Enter URL: allows you to enter a URL address.

Add to Favoites: allows you to add the selected URL to your Favorites list.

Favorites: shows the bookmarks list. You can bookmark the current page or access previously bookmarked pages.

Go to Messaging: allows you to create a text message, review text messages in your Inbox, Sentbox, Outbox, Draft, or My Folder.

My Stuff: allows you to view the items stored in the Audio and Graphic, and Used Space, and to Delete All in the folder.

Disconnect: disconnects from the internet the current URL that is selected.

History: displays the history for the URL addresses selected.

Show URL: displays the URL address of the page to which you are currently connected.

Delete Cookies: deletes the cookies created when accessing URL pages.

About: displays the browser version and the handset version.


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Samsung GH68-18879A user manual Selecting and Using Menu Options, Go to It allows you to move a certain page you selected