How to Set up Your Display Setting (Windows only)
The plasma panel of this monitor is composed 1366 pixels & 768 lines. That is, the best resolution of this monitor is 1366 X 768.
Thus, select 1366 X 768 resolution in same way as below when you control the display setting, If your video card does not support 1366 X 768 resoution, the resolution of 1024 X 768 is recommended. If you select one of resolutions above, you can use this monitor in best condition.
The Windows
On the windows screen, select in the following sequence : Start ➝ Settings ➝ Control Panel.
When the control panel screen appears, click on “Display” and a display
Select the “Settings” tab in the display
The two key variables that apply the
• Size (sometimes called “resolution”): 1024 x 768 pixels.
• Color:
If a
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