Appendix > Glossary

RAW (CCD raw data)

The original, unprocessed data, collected directly from the camera’s image sensor. White Balance, contrast, saturation, sharpness, and other data can be manipulated with editing software before the image is compressed into a standard file format.


The number of pixels present in a digital image. High resolution images contain more pixels and typically show more detail than low resolution images.

Shutter speed

Shutter speed refers to the amount of time it takes to open and close the shutter. It is an important factor in the brightness of a photo, as it controls the amount of light which passes through the aperture before it reaches the image sensor. A fast shutter speed allows less time to let in light. The photo becomes darker, but subjects in motion freeze more easily.

sRGB (Standard RGB)

International standard of color space established by the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission). This is the defined color space for PC monitors and is also used as the standard color space for Exif.


A reduction of an image’s brightness or saturation at the periphery (outer edges) compared to the center of the image. Vignetting can draw interest to subjects positioned in the center of an image.

White Balance (Color balance)

An adjustment of the intensities of colors (typically the primary colors red, green, and blue), in an image. The goal of adjusting the White Balance, or color balance, is to correctly render the colors in an image.


Wi-Fi is a technology that allows electronic devices to exchange data wirelessly over a network.

WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup)

WPS is a technology that secures wireless home networks.


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