Convert currencies

1.In Standby mode, press [ ] Organiser Converter.

2.Scroll right until the type shows Currency.

3.Scroll down to Unit and scroll right to select a currency to convert.

4.Scroll down to Amount and enter the amount to convert.

5.Scroll down to Unit and scroll right to select a currency to convert to.

The device displays the conversion result.

Convert measurements

1.In Standby mode, press [ ] Organiser Converter.

2.Scroll right to change the type of measurement.

Additional Programs

3.Scroll down to Unit and scroll right to change the base unit, if necessary.

4.Scroll down to Amount and enter the base amount.

5.Scroll down to Unit and scroll right to change the conversion unit, if necessary.

The device displays the conversion result.

Voice Signal

With Voice Signal, you can make calls, retrieve contact information, launch applications, and send text messages with voice commands.

This may not be available depending on your country or service provider.