SANYO Car Audio
Automotive LAN Devices
Automotive electronics is a field where advances are occurring on a daily basis, notably with regard to the sound and information space realized through refined proprietary technologies.
Automotive network technology controls many different types of information such as automotive AV. SANYO'ss LSIsLSIspowerfullypowerfullysupsupportort activitactivitieses suchsuchasas listening, watching, searching, and relaxing in this ubiquitous age, and support diverse needs with a diversified product lineup and a broad array of technologies.
The proprietary technologies of SANYO, a world leader in this field, are defining the present and near future of automotive devices.
Combining vivid imagesimages andand realisticrealistic soundsound
Contents |
Automotive LAN | 11 toto 22 |
CARNET | 33 toto 44 |
CAN | 55 |
MOST | 66 |
Digital Radio System Chipsets | 77 toto 88 |
99 | |
1010 | |
Car Audio DSP System Chipsets | 1111 toto 1212 |
Car Audio DSP | 1313 |
Dolby Headphone IC | 1414 |
Car Audio CD/MP3/WMA System Chipsetshipsets | 1515 toto 1616 |
Super | 1717 |
Compact Disc Player MP3 Decoder | 1818 |
WMA Decoder | 1919 |
7.5 Mbps Automotive LAN Transceiver | 2020 |
POF 50Mbps Automotive LAN | 2121 |
CAN Transceiver | 2222 |
Microcontrollers | 2323 toto 2626 |
2727 toto 3030 | |
3131 | |
3232 | |
System Motor Driver IC for CD and MD PlayersPlayers | 3333 toto 3434 |
Car Audio | 3535 toto 3636 |
Bus Control Tuner IC | 3737 |
Clear Surround Control IC Includes Pluss SoundSound AlgorithmAlgorithm | 3838 |
Car Audio Electronic Volume Control IC withwith BBEBBE SoundSound ProcessorProcessor | 3939 |
Four Channel | 4040 |
Car Audio | 4141 toto 4242 |
Car Audio Tuner IC with | 4343 |
Electronic Volume and Tone Control IC forfor CarCar AudioAudio SystemsSystems | 4444 toto 4646 |
Power Amplifier | 4747 toto 4848 |
Car Audio Standard Tuner System ChipsetsChipsets | 4949 toto 5050 |
5151 | |
Electronic Tuning ETR Controllers | 5252 toto 5454 |
Multiplexed Stereo Decoder Systemm ChipsetsChipsets | 5555 toto 5656 |
Car Stereo 17 W | 5757 |
Car Stereo 20 W | 5858 |
Car Radio/Car Stereo 5 W | 5959 |
Car Radio/Car Stereo 5 W Power Amplifierlifier thatthat RequiresRequires MinimalMinimal ExternalExternal ComponentsComponents | 6060 |
FM Multiplex Broadcasting System ChipsetsChipsets | 6161 toto 6262 |
Mobile FM Multiplex Broadcast (DARC System)System) ReceiverReceiver ICIC | 6363 toto 6464 |
Mobile FM Multiplex Broadcast Receiverer ICIC withwith | 6565 toto 6666 |
RDS System Chipsets | 6767 toto 6868 |
Car Audio Electronic Tuning PLL Frequencyency SynthesizerSynthesizer | 6969 |
RDS | 7070 |
RDS Demodulator ICs | 7171 |
7272 | |
Package Dimensions | 7373 toto 7878 |