16 Medalist 8421, 6421, 4311 and 2112, Rev. A
Standard DOS installation
Caution. Partitioning or formatting a drive erases all
data on it. Seagate assumes no liability if you erase
your data.

Drive partitioning

Partitioning a hard drive divi des it into se ctions (par titions ) that
function as separate logical drives (labeled C,D,E, etc.). To parti-
tion your new drive:
1. Inser t a bootable DOS di skette into your diskette drive and
restart your computer. (Seagate recommends using DOS Ver-
sion 5.0 or greater.)
2. Insert a DOS program diskette that has the FDISK.EXE and
FORMAT.COM programs into your diskette drive. At the A:
prompt, type FDISK and press ENTER.
3. If you have two hard drives installed, t he FDISK m enu d isplays
five options. Option five allows you to s elect the drive you
want to partition. Make sure that your new drive is selected.
4. Select “Create DOS partit ion or logical DOS drive” by pressing


press ENTER.
5. Select “Create primary DOS pa rtition” by pressing 1 again.
Then press ENTER. Create your first drive partition. If you are
creating a partition that will be used to boot your computer
(drive C), make sure the partition is marked


6. Create an extended par tition an d additiona l logical dr ives, as
necessary, until all the space on your new hard drive has
been partitioned.
7. When partitioning is comp lete, FDISK reboots your computer.