Attachments That Add to the UsefuRness of Your Craftsman Garden Tractor
Sears offers a wide variety of attachments that fit your tractor. Many of these are listed below with brief explanations of
_w they can help you. This list was current at the time of publication: however, it may change in future years
some may no longer be available.
Most of these attachments do not require additional hitches or conversion kits (those that do are indicated) and are
:lesigned for easy attaching and detaching. You may order these attachments at most Sears retail stores, catalog sales 3ffices, and through the catalog°
LAWN SWEEPERS let you collectgrass clippings and leaves.. |
| ||
Stock Nov |
| Path | Capacity | |
| 940 cu. | fL | ||
71_24032 |
| 1Q10cur | ft.. | |
| 32 in. | 11 5 cuo ft | ||
| 12.5 cu. fto |
.AWN VACS for powerful collections Of heavy grass clippings and leaves. All accept Wand attachment to pick up debris n
Stock No.. | Engine | Capacity | Also | Required | ||
3HP | 12 bu.. | chute | ||||
5HP | 25bu,. | chute | ||||
3HP | 8bu.. | chute | ||||
.3ARTS make hauling easy° |
Stock Nov | Size | Capacity |
| |
4 cur ft., | 400 Ibm | Dump cart |
| |||
10 cu..ft.. | 1,000 | lb. | Hauling cart | |||
| 10 cu.. fL | 1,000 | Ibm | Dump | cart |
14 cu.. ft.. | 1,250 | lbo | Dump | cart |
| |
17 cu.. fro | 1,500 | lb. | Dump | cart |
:_OLLER for smoother lawn surface..
;PREADEPJSEEDERS make seeding, fertilizing, and weed killing easy.. Broadcast spreaders are also useful for granular
;ORtNG AERATOR takes small plugs out of soil to allow moisture and nutrients to reach grass roots_
_ERATOR promotes deep root growth for a healthy lawn. Tapered 25" steel spikes mounted on
tOZER BLADE removes snow; grades dirt, sand and QraveL 48 inches wide, 17 inches high, clears 44 inch path when ngled_ Master lift controle lever for operator ease.. Spnng trip for snow removal on uneven pavement; built - in float for
!ade to follow ground contour. Reversible, replaceable scraper bar_ (Use with tire chains, wheel weights or rear drawbar eight)° Stock No..