snow 10 to 50 ft. Lift controlled at tractor seat. (Use with tire chains, wheel weights, or rear drawbar weight). StockNo.
TIRE CHAINS are heavy duty; closely spaced
WHEEL WEIGHTS provide stability, reduce tearing of tuff when moving on hills, stopping, turning, starting. Provides extra weight for traction to pull
CHEVRON TIRES for extra traction. Pair of rear tires mounted on wheels Stock No_
TRACTOR CAB has heavy duty vinyl fabric over tubular steel frame, fiberglass top; clear plastic windshield offers 360 degree visibility. Hinged metal frame doors with catch. Keeps operator warm and dry Remove vinyl and windshield for
use as sun protector in summer. Stock Noo
_tional accessories for tractor cab: tinted/tempered solid safety glass wind shied with hand operated wiper (Stock No.
TRACTOR COVER protects tractor from weather Made of Evolution 3 fabric
weight, soft,
Stock No_
"TILLER has 8hp engine to prepare seed beds, cultivate and compost garden residue, Chain- drive transmission_ Six 1t
inch diao, one piece
*PLOW turns soil 6 inches deep, cuts 10 inch furrow. Crank adjustment controls depth,
"DISC HARROW has 2 gangs of 4 steel blades that angle from I0 to 20 degrees 40 inches wide., Can hook 2 units in tandem. Stock No..
*SLEEVE CULTIVATOR is 43 inches wide.. Prepares ground for seeding, helps weed control. Steel frame holds 5 adjustable sweeps. Adjusts vertically, horizontally, Stock No.
WEIGHT BRACKET for drawbar for snow removal applications.. Can be mounted on front of tractor for plowing applica- tions_ Uses (t) 55 lb. weight- number
*Asterisked attachments require sleeve hitch (Stock No..