1Be seated.
2Insert coin(s). When one play worth of coin(s) is inserted, the Select mode appears.
3Select in order of BIKE and TRANSMISSION. Turn the handlebar to select and turn the ACCELORATOR GRIP to decide.
When the Select Mode is displayed, countdown starts. At count 0, BIKE TRANSMISSION being selected are automatically decided.
4When TRANSMISSION is decided, the race starts. The checkpoint (desination) is displayed on the screen, and Time Limit countdown starts.
At the same time the race starts, the View Change button and Music Select button alternately light up/light out. Pressing the View Change button changes the View point in the game mode.
Pressing the Music Select button changes the BGM (background music).
5The distance to the checkpoint is displayed onthe upper left section of the screen. the remaining time is indicated on the upper center, score points on the upper right, navigation window(map) on the lower left, and speedometer on the lower right.