Senco NFD880 operating instructions Personal Safety Seguridad personal

Models: NFD880

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Safety Warnings Avisos de Seguridad

Consignes de

Sé curité




Personal Safety

Seguridad personal

Sé curité


Stay alert, watch what you are

Cuando utilice una herramienta Soyez en bonne condition

doing, and use common sense

de motor, manté ngase a;erta,

physique, soyez attentif à ce que

when operating a power tool.

preste atenció n a lo que está

vous faites et faites preuve de

bon sens lorsque vous utilisez

Do not use tool while tired or

haciendo y aplique el sentido

un outillage é lectrique. N’utilisez

under the influence of drugs,

comú n. No use la herramienta

pas votre outil si vous ê tes

alcohol, or medication. A

cuando se sienta cansado o se

fatigué ou sous l’influence de

moment of inattention while

encuentre bajo los efectos de

drogues, alcool ou

operating power tools may result

drogas, alchol o medicamentos.

mé dicaments. Un moment

Un momento de falta de atención

in serious personal injury.

d’inattention lors de l’utilisation d’un


mientras utiliza una herramienta


outillage électrique peut être la


de motor puede ocasionar


cause de graves blessures


lesiones graves.










Dress properly. Do not wear

Vista prendas adecuadas. No

Portez des vê tements adé quats.

Ne portez pas de vê tements

loose clothing or jewelry.

vista prendas o alhajas

flottants ou de bijoux. Ne laissez

Contain long hair. Keep your

sueltas. Sujete el calbello

pas pendre les cheveux longs.

hair, clothing, and gloves away

largo. Mantenga el cabello, la

Maintenez les cheveux,

from moving parts. Loose

ropa y los guantes alejados de

vê tements et gants à distance

clothes, jewelry, or long hair can

las piezas mó viles. Las prendas

des objets en mouvement. Les

be caught in moving parts.

o alhajas sueltas o el cabello

vêtements flottants, cheveux longs


pueden ser atrapados en las

ou bijoux peuvent être happés par


partes móviles.


des pièces en mouvement.




Avoid accidential starting. Be

Evite los arranques

Faîte attention aux mises en

sure trigger is not depressed

accidentales. Asegú rrese de

routes accidentelles de l’outil.

before inserting battery pack.

que el accionador no esté

Assurez-vous que la gâ chette

Carrying tools with your finger

presionado antes de insertar el

n’est pas enfoncé e avant

on the trigger or inserting the

conjunto de batería. El llverar las

d’insé rer la batterie. Porter un

battery pack into a tool with the

herramientas con el dedo sobre el

outil avec le doigt sur la gâchette

trigger depressed invites

accionador o el insertar el

ou insérer la batterie dans un


conjunto de barerías en una

outil alors que la gâchette est


herramienta con el accionador

enfoncée peut provoquer des


presionado es una invitcaión a un








Remove adjusting keys or

Retire las lllaves o pinzas de

Retirez toute clé de ré glage

wrenches before turning on

ajuste antes de encender la

de l’outil avant sa mise en

the tool. A wrench or a key that

herramienta. Una llave o pinza

service. Toute clé restée

is left attached to a rotating part

que quede colocada sobre una

attachée à une pièce en

of the tool may result in

parte giratoria puede ocasionar

rotation de l’outil peut provoquer

personal injury.



des blessures corporelles.

Do not overreach. Keep

No se estire para trabajar.

Ne pré sumez pas de vos

proper footing and balance at

Mantenga en todo momento

forces. Restez bien stable et

all times. Proper footing and

una posició n adecuada y el

en é quilibre à tout moment.

balance enable better control of

equilibrio. La posición y el

Une position stable et bien

the tool in unexpected situations.

equilibrio adecuados le permiten

équilibrée vous permettra de


contrilar mejor la herramienta

mieux réagir à une situation


ante situaciones inesperadas.



Use safety equipment.

Use equip de seguridad. Use

Utilisez des é quipements de

Always wear eye protection.

siempre protecció n para los

sé curité . Portez toujours des

Dust mask, non-skid safety

ojos. A fin de trabajar en las

lunettes de protection. Utilisez

shoes, hard hat, or hearing

condiviones apropiadas, debe

un masque de protection contre la

protection must be used for

usar máscara para polvo,

poussière, des chaussures

appropriate conditions. Failure

calzado de seguridad

antidérapantes, un casque et des

to do so could result in

antideslizante, casco duro o

protections auditives pour

personal injury.

protección para los oídos. El

travailler dans les meilleures


no utilizar estos elementos

conditions. Un manquement à ces


puede ocasionar lesiones.

règles de sécurité peut provoquer




des accidents corporels.

Tool Use and Care

Uso y cuidado de

Utilisation de l’outil et


la herramienta

pré cautions

Use clamps or other practical

use mordazas u otro mé todo

Utilisez des valets d’é tabli ou

ways to secure and support

prá ctico para asegurar y

tout autre moyen pour assurer

the workpiece to a stable

soportar el lugar de trabajo en

un maintien correct de la

platform. Holding the work by

una plataforma estable. El

piè ce sur un plan stable.

hand or against your body is

sostener la pieza de trabajo con

Maintenir la pièce à la main ou

unstable and may lead to loss of

la mano o contra el cuerpo

contre votre corps est instable et

control and personal injury.

resulta inestable y puede

peut entraîner une perte de


ocasionar pérdida del control y

contrôle et des accidents







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Senco NFD880 operating instructions Personal Safety Seguridad personal

NFD880 specifications

The Senco NFD880 is an innovative pneumatic nail gun designed to enhance productivity and efficiency for professionals in the construction and woodworking industries. With its combination of advanced features, cutting-edge technologies, and robust design, the NFD880 stands out as a reliable tool for tackling various framing, sheathing, and other nailing tasks.

One of the key features of the Senco NFD880 is its lightweight yet durable construction. Weighing just over 6 pounds, this nail gun is easy to maneuver, allowing users to work for extended periods without experiencing significant fatigue. Its balanced design contributes to a natural feel in the hand, aiding precision during operation.

The NFD880 is compatible with 21-degree plastic collated framing nails ranging from 2 to 3-1/4 inches, making it versatile enough for various applications. This capability allows professionals to tackle everything from building frames to installing sheathing quickly and efficiently.

Equipped with Senco’s patented Dual Technology, the NFD880 offers both sequential and bump fire modes. This feature enables users to switch between precise nailing and rapid-fire nailing with ease, providing the flexibility needed for different project requirements. The adjustable depth-of-drive setting further enhances control, allowing for consistent nail placement regardless of material thickness.

The tool’s durable magazine is designed for efficient loading and can hold up to 75 nails. This reduces downtime during projects, as users can maintain a smooth workflow with fewer interruptions for reloading. Additionally, the NFD880 includes a unique rear-loading mechanism that simplifies the reloading process.

Another noteworthy characteristic of the Senco NFD880 is its integrated air duster, which can blow away debris from the work surface. This feature not only improves visibility for precision work but also contributes to overall safety. The tool is engineered with an ergonomic grip that minimizes vibrations and provides a secure hold, enhancing user comfort during long hours of use.

Finally, the Senco NFD880 boasts a robust safety mechanism, including a fully enclosed trigger guard and a safety tip that prevents accidental firing, ensuring safe operation even in demanding environments. This combination of features, technologies, and thoughtful design positions the Senco NFD880 as a top choice among professional contractors and DIY enthusiasts alike, showcasing its ability to deliver exceptional performance and reliability on the job.