Senco NFD880 operating instructions Un cortocircuito de la batería

Models: NFD880

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Safety Warnings Avisos

de Seguridad

Consignes de Sé curité











A battery short can cause a large

Un cortocircuito de la batería

Une batterie en court-circuit peut

current flow, overheating,

puede ocasionar un gran flujo de

provoquer un fort débit de courant,

possible burns and even a

corriente, sobrecalentamiento,

une surchauffe, un risque de


posibles quemaduras o incluso

combustion et même une panne.

(1) Do not touch the terminals

una rotura.

(1) Ne touchez pas les bornes avec

with any conductive material.

(1) No toque los terminales con

un conducteur métallique.

(2) Avoid storing battery

ningún material conductivo.

(2) Évitez de ranger la batterie dans

cartridge in a container with other

(2) Evite almacenar el cartucho

un récipient contenant d’autres

metal objects such as nails,

de batería en un contenedor

objets métalliques comme des

coins, etc.

junto con otros objetos metálicos,

clous, des pièces de monnaie,

(3) Do not expose battery

tales como clavos, monedas, etc.


cartridge to water or rain.

(3) No exponga el cartucho de

(3) Protégez la batterie de l’eau et


batería al agua o la lluvia.

de la pluie.

Do not store the tool and battery

No almacene la herramienta y el

Ne rangez pas la batterie et l’outil

cartridge in locations where the

cartucho de batería en lugares en

dans un endroit où la

temperature may reach or

los que la temperatura puede

température atteint ou excède

exceed 40˚C (104˚ F).

alcanzar 40˚C (104˚ F).

40° C (104° F).

Do not incinerate the battery

No incinere el cartucho de

N’incinérez pas la batterie

cartridge even if it is severly

batería aun cuando esté

même si elle est sérieusement

damaged or is completely worn

seriamente dañado o

endommagée ou complètement

out. The battery cartridge can

completamente agotado El

usée. La batterie peut exploser

explode in a fire.

cartuch de batería puede

au contact des flammes.


explotar en el fuego.


For information on the “SENCO

Para información sobre el

Prendre contact avec votre

Safety First Program,” contact

“Programa de SENCO la

représentant SENCO pour tout

your SENCO representative.

Seguridad es Primero”

renseignement sur “Le


comuníquese con su

Programme SENCO de Première


representante de SENCO.


Never attempt to connect two

No intente jamás conectar dos

Ne jamais essayer de connecter

(2) chargers together.

(2) cargadores entre sí.

deux (2) chargeurs ensemble.

Consecutive charging may

Las cargas consecutivas

Des recharges consécutives

cause overheating. If you need

pueden ocasionar

peuvent provoquer des

to recharge batteries

sobrecalentamiento. Si usted

surchauffes. Si vous devez

consecutively, wait about 15

necesita recargar baterías en

recharger plusieurs batteries

minutes for the charger to cool.

forma consecutiva, deje que el

consécutivement, laissez le

cargador se enfríe durante

chargeur refroidir au moins 15



durante aproximadamente 15

minutes après chaque recharge.




Battery leakage may occur

En determinadas condiciones

Il peut se produire des fuites de

la batterie dans des conditions

under conditions of extreme

de uso intenso o temperaturas

extrêmes d’utilisation ou de

usage or temperature. If liquid

extremas, pueden producirse

température. Si du liquide vient

comes in contact with skin,

fugas de la batería. Si el

en contact avec votre peau,

wash quickly with soap and

líquido entra en contracto com

lavez-vous immédiatement avec

water, then with lemon juice or

la piel, lave rápidamente con

de l’eau et du savon, ensuite,

vinegar. If liquid gets in your

agua y jabón y luego con jugo

avec du jus de citron ou du

eyes, wash with water for at

de limón o vinagre. Si el

vinaigre. Si du liquide pénètre

least 10 minutes and seek

líquido entra en los ojos, lave

dans vos yeux, lavez-les avec

medical attention immediately.

con agua durante 10 minutos

de l’eau pendant au moins 10


como mínimo y solicite

minutes et requérez


atención médica

immédiatement des soins





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Senco NFD880 operating instructions Un cortocircuito de la batería

NFD880 specifications

The Senco NFD880 is an innovative pneumatic nail gun designed to enhance productivity and efficiency for professionals in the construction and woodworking industries. With its combination of advanced features, cutting-edge technologies, and robust design, the NFD880 stands out as a reliable tool for tackling various framing, sheathing, and other nailing tasks.

One of the key features of the Senco NFD880 is its lightweight yet durable construction. Weighing just over 6 pounds, this nail gun is easy to maneuver, allowing users to work for extended periods without experiencing significant fatigue. Its balanced design contributes to a natural feel in the hand, aiding precision during operation.

The NFD880 is compatible with 21-degree plastic collated framing nails ranging from 2 to 3-1/4 inches, making it versatile enough for various applications. This capability allows professionals to tackle everything from building frames to installing sheathing quickly and efficiently.

Equipped with Senco’s patented Dual Technology, the NFD880 offers both sequential and bump fire modes. This feature enables users to switch between precise nailing and rapid-fire nailing with ease, providing the flexibility needed for different project requirements. The adjustable depth-of-drive setting further enhances control, allowing for consistent nail placement regardless of material thickness.

The tool’s durable magazine is designed for efficient loading and can hold up to 75 nails. This reduces downtime during projects, as users can maintain a smooth workflow with fewer interruptions for reloading. Additionally, the NFD880 includes a unique rear-loading mechanism that simplifies the reloading process.

Another noteworthy characteristic of the Senco NFD880 is its integrated air duster, which can blow away debris from the work surface. This feature not only improves visibility for precision work but also contributes to overall safety. The tool is engineered with an ergonomic grip that minimizes vibrations and provides a secure hold, enhancing user comfort during long hours of use.

Finally, the Senco NFD880 boasts a robust safety mechanism, including a fully enclosed trigger guard and a safety tip that prevents accidental firing, ensuring safe operation even in demanding environments. This combination of features, technologies, and thoughtful design positions the Senco NFD880 as a top choice among professional contractors and DIY enthusiasts alike, showcasing its ability to deliver exceptional performance and reliability on the job.