Senco NFD880 No fuerce la herramienta Ne forcez pas sur l’outil, Laissez-le faire le travail

Models: NFD880

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Safety Warnings Avisos de Seguridad

Consignes de Sé curité




Do not force tool. Let the tool

No fuerce la herramienta.

Ne forcez pas sur l’outil,

do the work. Use the correct

Deje que la herramienta haga

laissez-le faire le travail.

tool for your application. The

su trabajo. utilice la

Utilisez l’outil approprié à

correct tool will do the job better

herramienta adecuada para

votre type de travail.

and safer at the rate for which it

la aplicació n requerida. La

L’utilisation de l’outil adéquat

is designed.

herramienta correcta podrá

vous permettra d’effectuer votre


hacer el trabajo mejor y con

travail au mieux et dans de


más seguridad a la velocidad

meilleures conditions de


para la que fue diseñada.

sécurité au rythme pour lequel il




a été conçu.

Do not use tool if trigger does

No use la herramienta se el

N’utilisez pas l’outil si la

not turn it on or off. A tool that

accionador no la enciende y

gâ chette ne fonctionne pas.

cannot be controlled with the

apaga. Las herramientas que no

Un outil dont la gâchette est

trigger is dangerous and must be

pueden controlarse por medio

inopérante est dangereux et doit


del accionador son peligrosas y

être réparé.


se deben reparar.


With battery disconnected,

Con la batería desconectada,

La batterie é tant dé connecté e,

make daily inspection to

realice una inspecció n diaria

procé dez à une inspection

assure free movement of

para asegurarse de que la

journaliè re de l’outil pour vous

nosepiece and trigger. Do not

pieza de la boca y el

assurer que le nez tourne

use tool if nosepiece or trigger

accionador se muevan

librement et que la gâ chette

sticks or binds.

libremente. Mo use la

fonctionne. N’utilisez pas l’outil


herramienta si la pieza de la

s’il y a blocage ou grippage du


boca o el accionador se quedan

nez ou de la gâchette.


pegados of unidos entre sí.


Disconnect battery pack from

Desconecte el conjunto de

Dé connectez la batterie de

tool before making any

baterías de la herramienta

l’outil avant de procé der à tout

adjustments, changing

antes de hacer ajustes,

ré glage, changement

accessories, or storing the tool.

cambiar accesorios o

d’accessoires ou rangement.

Such preventive safety measures

almacenar la herramienta.

Ces mesures préventives

reduce the risk of the tool starting

Estas medidas de seguridad

permettent de réduire les risques


reducen el riesgo de que la

d’un démarrage intempestif de


herramienta se encienda por






Store idle tools out of reach of

Almacene todas las

Rangez les outils non utilisé s à

minors and other untrained

herramientas lejos del alcance

l’abri des enfants ou autres

persons. Tools are dangerous in

de los menores u otras

personnes non exercé es à leur

the hands of untrained users.

personas no capacitadas. Las

maniement. Les outils sont


herramientas son peligrosas en

dangereux dans des mains non


manos de los usuarios no






When battery pack is not in

Cuando no esté utilizando el

Lorsque la batterie n’est pas

use, keep it away from other

conjunto de baterías,

utilisé e, maintenez la à l’é cart

metal objects like: paper clips,

manté ngalo alejado de otros

de tout objet mé tallique

coins, keys, nails, screws, and

objetos de metal, tales como:

comme : trombones, piè ces de

other small metal objects that

broches para papel, monedas,

monnaie, clé s, clous et autres

can make a connection from

llaves, clavos, tornillos y otros

petits objets mé talliques qui

one terminal to another.

objetos metá licos pequeñ os

pourraient mettre les deux

Shorting the battery terminals

que pueden hacer una

bornes en contact. Un

together may cause sparks,

conexió n entre un terminal y

manquement à cette règle peut

burns, or a fire.

otro. El cortocircuito entre los

provoquer des étincelles, des


terminales de las baterías puede

combustions ou un incendie.


causar chispas, quemaduras o un






Maintain tools with care.

Cuide el mantenimiento de

Entretenez l’outil avec soin.

Properly maintained tools are

las herramientas. Las

Des outils correctement

less likely to bind and are

herramientas bien mantenidas

entretenus diminuent les

easier to control.

tienen menos probabilidades

risques de grippage et sont


de agarrotarse y resulta más

plus faciles à maîtriser.


sencillo controlarlas.



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Senco NFD880 No fuerce la herramienta Ne forcez pas sur l’outil, Laissez-le faire le travail, La aplicació n requerida. La

NFD880 specifications

The Senco NFD880 is an innovative pneumatic nail gun designed to enhance productivity and efficiency for professionals in the construction and woodworking industries. With its combination of advanced features, cutting-edge technologies, and robust design, the NFD880 stands out as a reliable tool for tackling various framing, sheathing, and other nailing tasks.

One of the key features of the Senco NFD880 is its lightweight yet durable construction. Weighing just over 6 pounds, this nail gun is easy to maneuver, allowing users to work for extended periods without experiencing significant fatigue. Its balanced design contributes to a natural feel in the hand, aiding precision during operation.

The NFD880 is compatible with 21-degree plastic collated framing nails ranging from 2 to 3-1/4 inches, making it versatile enough for various applications. This capability allows professionals to tackle everything from building frames to installing sheathing quickly and efficiently.

Equipped with Senco’s patented Dual Technology, the NFD880 offers both sequential and bump fire modes. This feature enables users to switch between precise nailing and rapid-fire nailing with ease, providing the flexibility needed for different project requirements. The adjustable depth-of-drive setting further enhances control, allowing for consistent nail placement regardless of material thickness.

The tool’s durable magazine is designed for efficient loading and can hold up to 75 nails. This reduces downtime during projects, as users can maintain a smooth workflow with fewer interruptions for reloading. Additionally, the NFD880 includes a unique rear-loading mechanism that simplifies the reloading process.

Another noteworthy characteristic of the Senco NFD880 is its integrated air duster, which can blow away debris from the work surface. This feature not only improves visibility for precision work but also contributes to overall safety. The tool is engineered with an ergonomic grip that minimizes vibrations and provides a secure hold, enhancing user comfort during long hours of use.

Finally, the Senco NFD880 boasts a robust safety mechanism, including a fully enclosed trigger guard and a safety tip that prevents accidental firing, ensuring safe operation even in demanding environments. This combination of features, technologies, and thoughtful design positions the Senco NFD880 as a top choice among professional contractors and DIY enthusiasts alike, showcasing its ability to deliver exceptional performance and reliability on the job.