Problem |
| Check | Solution or cause | |
| |
Job | cancelation | Is a message requesting cancelation of job | Press the [CA] (clear all) key to cancel the | |
needed |
| displayed? | current job. |
| |
Scanning | of | Is a message indicating memory is full | If the data amount exceeds the limit when | |
originals |
| is | displayed? | using the pamphlet copy or multi shot copy |
incomplete. |
| which requires scanning of all originals, | |
| scanning will be canceled and copying will |
| not be performed. |
| If you install an additional memory, the |
| storage capacity will increase. |
| |
The | selected | For an interrupt copy job, are you attempting | When color copying is performed in sort | |
number | of sets | of | color copying in sort mode? | mode for an interrupt copy job, only one set |
copies is not printed. |
| of copies can be made. If more than one set | ||
| is needed, replace the original and repeat |
| the copy procedure for each set needed. |
Not all | pages | are | When making copies, the memory became | When the memory becomes full during |
copied |
| full during scanning of the originals and a | scanning of the originals, you can select |
| message appears asking you whether you | whether you want to continue the job and |
| want to continue copying or cancel. | print only those originals that were scanned, |
| or cancel the job. If you continue the job, |
| copies will only be made of the originals that |
| were scanned, and thus all originals cannot |
| be copied at once. |