Picture Setting Function

This function stores all items set in “Picture”. Five settings can be stored separately in “Memory 1” to “Memory 5”. Each stored setting is reassigned to each input mode (INPUT 1 to INPUT 5). Even when the input mode or signal is changed, you can easily select optimal settings from the stored settings.

When Saving:

Select the Memory number to be saved or “INPUT # Memory” for each adjustment value in memory before setting on the “Pic- ture” menu.

Select “Picture Setting” in the “Picture” menu on the menu screen.

For operating the menu screen, see pages 40 to 43.

Selected item


Memory 1

Settings of all items in “Pic-

ture” can be stored for the re-


spective input modes. The

Memory 5

stored settings can be se-



lected in any input modes.



INPUT 1 Memory

Besides “Memory 1” to


“Memory 5”, other settings

INPUT 5 Memory

can be stored for each input


mode. “INPUT 1-5 Memory”


can be selected for each in-


put mode.



When Recalling Saved Contents:

When a saved memory number is selected, the contents of the “Picture” menu change to the adjustment values of the saved Memory number.


The contents of “Picture Setting” can be

selected directly by pressing thebut- ton. The contents change in the order of “Memory 1” – “Memory 5” and then “IN-

PUT # Memory” each time button is pressed.

When Changing Saved Contents:

Change the contents of the “Picture” menu after selecting the Memory number for which adjustment values are to be changed.


Operation Basic
