10 Engineering Information Issue 03/01
MICROMASTER 411 & COMBIMASTER 411 Operating Instructions
10.8.3 Using Control and Status Words with BiCo Many MICROMASTER 411/COMBIMASTER 411 read only parameters consist of
control words. The parameter is made up of a 16-bit number, each bit representing
a particular value. For example, parameter P0052 (Status Word 1) gives various
value settings such as Inverter ready (bit 0), or Motor Current Limit (bit b).
This parameter is displayed using the vertical segments of the BOP display to
show status; that is the status of each bit can be read from the BOP display. These
bits can also be accessed by BiCo using the parameter number and bit state. Set
parameter P0731 to 52.b (i.e. parameter P0052, bit b), for the relay to operate at
current limit. This is actually a level 2 setting but many more settings can be
selected in level 3 using BiCo functions.
Each bit of the control and status words (r0052 to r0056) can be connected to
several output functions.
For example:
Setting P0731 to 56.5 (i.e. parameter P0056, bit 5) will indicate that starting boost
is active. That is, if P1312 (Starting Boost) is set to enable some starting boost, the
relay will be active during the ramping phase as starting boost is applied.
Similarly, if P0731 is set to 56.6, and P1311 (Acceleration Boost) enabled, the relay
will be energized any time that the set point is changed.
Setting P0731 to 56.C would enable the relay when the Voltage Controller is
active. As this occurs during regeneration it could be used to indicate excessive
load, or too fast a ramp down.
Table 10-4 to Table 10-7 show the BiCo connections. The shaded/green boxes
indicate the applicable cross connections.