Issue 03/01 6 Troubleshooting
MICROMASTER 411 & COMBIMASTER 411 Operating Instructions
F0020 Mains Phase Missing OFF2
Possible Causes
Fault occurs if one of the three input phases are missed while the pulses are enabled and drive is
Diagnose & Remedy
Check the input wiring of the mains phases
F0021 Earth fault OFF2
Possible Causes
Fault occurs if the sum of the phase currents is higher than 5 % of the nominal inverter current
This fault only occurs on inverters that have 3 current sensors (Frame sizes D to F & FX, GX)
F0022 Powerstack fault OFF2
Possible Causes
That hardware fault (r0947 = 22 and r0949 = 1) caused by the following events:
(1) DC-link overcurrent = short circuit of IGBT
(2) Short circuit of chopper
(3) Earth fault
(4) I/O board is not properly inserted
Frame sizes A to C (1),(2),(3),(4)
Frame sizes D to E (1),(2),(4)
Frame size F (2),(4)
Since all these faults are assigned to one signal on the power stack, it is not possible to establish which
one actually occurred.
MM440 Frame size FX & GX:
UCE failure was detected, when r0947 = 22 and fault value r0949 = 12 or 13 or 14, depending on
I2C bus read out error, when r0947 = 22 and fault value r0949 = 21 (The power has to be switched
Diagnose & Remedy
Check the I/O board. It has to be fully pressed home.
F0023 Output fault OFF2
Possible Causes
One motor phase is disconnected
F0030 Fan has failed OFF2
Possible Causes
Fan no longer working
Diagnose & Remedy
Fault cannot be masked while options module (AOP or BOP) is connected
Need a new fan
F0035 Auto restart after n OFF2
Possible Causes
Auto restart attempts exceed value of P1211
F0041 Motor Data Identification Failure OFF2
Possible Causes
Motor data identification failed.
Fault value = 0: Load missing
1: Current limit level reached during identification.
2: Identified stator resistance less than 0.1 % or greater than 100 %.
3: Identified rotor resistance less than 0.1 % or greater than 100 %.
4: Identified stator reactance less than 50 % and greater than 500 %