NIM Primitives 4-53
SIMATIC TIWAY I Series 500 NIM User Manual
If the terminate upload command is issued and the attached device is not in
the upload mode, an error response of LLLL 00 58 002C will be returned.
This notifies the host that the terminate (02) command code is not valid in
the current mode.
Abort Upload Request and Response
Request: LLLL 58 03 RRRR
Response: LLLL 58 HH 04 RRRR
The abort upload command immediately stops the upload request. The
command will also return the attached device to the state prior to the
request. The attached device is no longer in upload mode and will not
accept any additional upload Primitives unless another initialize upload
command is issued.
The attached device will return an error response (LLLL 00 58 002C) if an
abort upload command is received when the upload process has not been
Upload Examples
The following pages contain examples of upload requests for various
Program Download – Code 59. Availability: Release 3.0
The program download primitive allows you to send program and
configuration information to a secondary or attached device.
The initial download request sets the secondary into the download mode,
but does not contain any data. The first request also contains the
response-to-request time-out value for the attached device. This value
represents the number of seconds that the attached device will wait between
download requests. If the time period expires, the attached device will exit
download mode.
The download responses contain the block sequence number from the
request. Each subsequent download request will increment the block
sequence number. The first response also includes the actual time-out value
that the attached device supports, since the device may not support the
time-out value requested in the initial download request. After all data
blocks have been sent to the attached device, a terminate download request
must be sent to remove the attached device from the download mode and
return it to the prior state. If a download is aborted, the attached device will
clear memory and assume a non-executable state.