NIM Primitives
4-34 SIMATIC TIWAY I Series 500 NIM User Manual
Series 500 NIM Primitive Descriptions (continued)
Availability: Releases 2.1, 2.2, and 3.0
Primitive 05 allows one or more device task codes to be executed. Execution
is aborted and an exception response returned if an exception occurs during
processing. If an exception occurs during execution of any native task code,
the error results are returned in the packed native response in the same
position as in a normal response. Execution continues in this situation.
Native task codes concerning store and forward are not supported.
Request: LLLL 05 CC DD ... DD
Response: LLLL 05 HH CC DD ... DD
Symbol Value Definition
HH Attached device operational status
CC Number of bytes in the task code field DD
DD Task codes of the device type being accessed
Availability: Release 3.0
Primitive 06 returns the Secondary to its initial ready stated for program
upload/download operations (Primitives 58 and 59). Resetting the
secondary may affect the status of the attached device in some cases
(depending on the type of attached device and the relationship between the
attached device and Secondary).
Request: LLLL 06
Response: LLLL 06 HH
Symbol Value Definition
HH Attached device operational status
Packed Native
Primitive Code 05
Reset Secondary
Device Mode
Code 06