NIM Primitives 4-45
SIMATIC TIWAY I Series 500 NIM User Manual
The total byte count of data elements defined by the record(s) must not
cause the Gather Record Response to exceed the maximum Primitive frame
length. See Table 4-5 and Table 4-6 for the number of bytes in each data
Response: LLLL 55 HH
Symbol Value Definition
HH Attached device operational status
Gather Record Primitive Code 56. The Gather Record Primitive
specifies which records (as defined by define Record Primitive 55) will be
read. The records are specified by record numbers from 1 (hex) to 20 (hex).
The total number of bytes returned by the record(s) must not cause the
response to exceed the maximum frame length. The Response Primitive will
return the data associated with the requested records, beginning with the
lowest number record and increasing to the highest number record. A data
record or data type separator is not provided in the Response Primitive.
Request: LLLL 56 XX CC
Symbol Value Definition
XX Number of records requested
CC Record numbers requested
Response: LLLL 56 HH XX CC ... DD ... DD
(repeated XX times)
Symbol Value Definition
HH Attached device operational status
XX Number of records in error
CC Record numbers in error
DD Data records returned without errors
NOTE: No data will be returned for records in error. Invalid records will
cause a Primitive error.