NIM Primitives
4-28 SIMATIC TIWAY I Series 500 NIM User Manual
4.9 Series 500 NIM Primitive DescriptionsThe following paragraphs describe the NIM Primitives used in the
Series 500 NIM. Refer to Table 4-2 for a complete list of the Primitives
Availability: Releases 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, and 3.0
Primitive 00 allows you to obtain an error status from a Secondary. For
example, if a Primary tries to read variable memory at location 0000 in a
Series 500 NIM, a Primitive 00 response would indicate that the memory
address was out of range with an exception field of 0002.
Request: There is no request defined for this Primitive.
Response: LLLL 00 PP DDDD (TT is optional)
Symbol Value Definition
PP Request primitive code that contains the exception
DDDD 0Primative code is not implemented.
1Data type (specified by TT) is not defined on the
attached device.
2Data element location (specified by TT) is out of range.
3Primitive has excess data unit bytes.
4Primitive has insufficient data unit bytes.
5The number of information bytes received does not
match the number of bytes specified in the field
6Device is in wrong mode for primitive execution.
7User program in the attached device has disabled
communication to the Series 500 NIM via the lock-out
AAttached device fails to respond
EPrimitive not valid for the specified data type (TT).
10 The number of locations requested exceeds the
maximum allowed.
11 The number assigned to a data acquisition block or
record is not within the supported block or record
12 The block or record number requested has not been
13 The number of data bytes in the requested blocks or
records exceeds the maximum number of bytes
allowed by the primitive.
15 Primitive not allowed while device is in local mode.
Exception Primitive
– Code 00