NIM Primitives 4-35
SIMATIC TIWAY I Series 500 NIM User Manual
Availability: Release 3.0
Primitive 07, used with the Program Upload and Download Primitives (58
and 59), obtains the attached device segment definition as an ASCII string.
The definitions contain the segment number they represent and relate
one-to-one with the MMMM descriptor (starting at bit P) defined in
Primitive 58. Primarily, this request determines a starting point from which
to obtain the definitions. This allows you to obtain ASCII strings that would
otherwise exceed the maximum returnable length.
Request: LLLL 07 VV SS
Symbol Value Definition
VV Segment type
00 Generic segment definition
01 Secondary device segment definition
02 Program names definition
SS Starting segment number (or program name) to be
Response: LLLL 07 HH VV KK SS CC DD ... DD
Symbol Value Definition
HH Attached device operational status
VV Segment type
00 Generic segment definition
01 Secondary device segment definition
02 Program name definition
KK Total number of segment or program definitions
SS Segment number definition being returned
CC Number of bytes in the ASCII DD field
DD ASCII segment definition defined by the attahced
device. The first two DD descriptors contain the
MMMM (Bit Map) field for the program.
Segment Definition
– Code 07