NIM Primitives 4-33
SIMATIC TIWAY I Series 500 NIM User Manual
Availability: Releases 1.1, and 2.1, 2.2, and 3.0
Primitive 04 is the format Primitive that allows you to ascertain the
maximum length of the Primitive acceptable to the Network Interface
Module. The buffer length is returned in number of bytes.
Request: LLLL 04
Response: LLLL 04 NNNN MM EE FF GG BB ... BB
Symbol Value Definition
NNNN Primitive descriptor(s) and data unit(s) field length
supported, in bytes (270 bytes is returned)
MM Number of Data Acquisition Blocks supported by the
NIM (Primitives 50, 51, 52) (32 is already returned)
EE Number of Data Acquisition Records supported by the
NIM (Primitives 55, 56, 57). Used with releases 2.1,
2.2, and 3.0 (32 is returned)
FF Number of Data Type Definitions supported in each
defined record in the NIM (Primitives 55, 56, 57). Used
with releases 2.1, 2.2, and 3.0 (32 is returned)
GG Floating Point Formats supported in the NIM. Used
with releases 2.0 and 3.0
00 No floating point support
01 IBM Excess 64 format support
02 IEEE Standard 754 format support
03 Both IBM and IEEE format support
BB Primitive support bit mask for the NIM. The first bit
represents Primitive 0. Primitive values increment by
1 for each bit position. A one in a bit position indicates
that the corresponding Primitive is supported. For
example, if bit 3 is set to 1, then Primitive 03 is
supported. For example, if bit 3 is set to 1, then
Primitive 03 is supported.
Primitive Format
Code 04