Primitive Examples F-1
SIMATIC TIWAY I Series 500 NIM User Manual

Appendix F

Primitive Examples
The following TIWAY I Primitive example (which does not include any
program transfer capabilities) reads four words of variable memory from a
Series 500 controller, starting at memory location 100 (hex = 64). The
format for the request would be as follows:
Request: LLLL 20 TT NNNN AAAA = 0006 20 01 0004 0064, where:
LLLL (Length) = 0006
Primitive Code = 20
TT (Data Type) = 01 (V, variable memory)
NNNN (Number of locations) = 0004
AAAA (Address, data element location) = 0064
Response: LLLL 20 HH DDDD DDDD = 000A 20 00 8464 8665 A001 01F4
LLLL (Length) = 000A
Primitive Code = 20
HH (Status) = 00 (unit operational and executing logic)
DDDD ... (values read from V-memory)
V0100 = 8464
V0101 = 8665
V0102 = A001
V0103 = 01F4
In this example, the same task is performed as in the above example, but
with extended addressing.
Command: LLLL A0 TT NNNN AAAA AAAA = 0008 A0 01 0004 0000
0064, where:
LLLL (Length) = 0008
Primitive Code = A0 (extended address format for Primitive 20)
TT (Data Type) = 01 (V, variable memory)
NNNN (Number of locations) = 0004
AAAA AAAA (Address) = 0000 0064