NIM Primitives 4-31
SIMATIC TIWAY I Series 500 NIM User Manual
Availability: Releases 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, and 3.0
Primitive 02 is the machine status Primitive. It reports the current
operational state of the attached device and NIM in a common format for all
types of attached devices. The NIM gets a status update from the attached
device every 4 seconds (and immediately when an 02 Primitive is issued).
Request: LLLL 02
Response: LLLL 02 HH EE FF, where:
Symbol Value Definition
HH Attached device operational status (mode)
00 Operational and performing instruction data type and
loop execution. (RUN)
01 Operational and performing instruction data type and
loop execution with a non-fatal error detected. (RUN
with non-fatal error)
02 Operational and not performing instruction data type
execution with loop execution. (PROGRAM)
03 Operational and not performing instruction data type
or loop execution. (PROGRAM)
04 Operational and not performing instruction data type
execution with loop execution and a non-fatal error is
detected. (PROGRAM with non-fatal error)
05 Operational and not performing instruction and data
type or loop execution and a non-fatal error is
detected. (PROGRAM with non-fatal error)
80 Not operational due to a fatal error condition.
EE Attached device auxiliary power source status
00 Auxiliary power source good
01 Auxiliary power source status not available
80 Auxiliary power source not good
FF NIM operational status
00 Operational
01 Channel A is not functional
02 Channel B is not functional
Status Primitive
Code 02