K44 Duo Asennus- ja käyttöohjeet

Aukaisu uhattuna tai hälytys

K44 Duossa on lähtö, joka voidaan aktivoida seuraavista syistä:

Käyttäjä voi näppäillä aukaisu uhattuna -koodin.

Oven aukipidon varoitusaika päättyy tai ovi avataan pakkokeinoin.

Valitse haluamasi vaihtoehto. Liitä sitten lähtöön esim. varashälytin tai vastaava.


Voit helpottaa kulkua esim. toimistoaikana, liittämällä lukkoon ulkoisen koskettimen. Sillä voit aktivoida tai deaktivoida nolla-avauksen eli avata oven painamalla näppäimistön nolla-näppäintä. Tämä toiminto on vain relelähdössä 1.

Lukon avaaminen pysyvästi

Jos bistabiili-toiminto on aktivoituna, koodilla voidaan avata oven lukko. Lukko pysyy auki siihen asti, kunnes oikea koodi annetaan uudelleen (ks. kohta Lukko pysyvästi auki on/ei).


K44 Duoon voidaan tarvittaessa liittää ovikello. Vierailija soittaa kelloa painamalla näppäintä, jossa on kellon kuva.

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Siemens K44 user manual Aukaisu uhattuna tai hälytys, Nolla-avaus, Lukon avaaminen pysyvästi, Ovikello

K44 specifications

Siemens K44 is a sophisticated and versatile industrial communication platform designed primarily for rail and other transportation systems. As part of the Siemens family of advanced technologies, the K44 offers robust features that enhance functionality, safety, and efficiency in operations.

One of the standout characteristics of the Siemens K44 is its modular design. This enables users to tailor the system to their specific needs by adding or removing components as required. This flexibility is crucial in industries where requirements may change frequently, allowing for easy upgrades and adjustments without a complete system overhaul.

The K44 employs cutting-edge communication technologies, including Ethernet and various fieldbus protocols, ensuring seamless connectivity between different components of transportation systems. This capability is essential for real-time data exchange, enabling operators to monitor and control railway systems more effectively. With support for various standards, the K44 can integrate with existing infrastructure and equipment, making it a versatile choice for operators looking to modernize their systems.

Another significant feature of the K44 is its focus on safety. The platform is designed with redundant systems and fail-safe mechanisms, ensuring reliable operation in critical applications where downtime could have serious consequences. Compliance with international safety standards adds an additional layer of trust for operators in high-stakes environments.

In addition to its communication and safety features, the K44 boasts advanced diagnostics and monitoring capabilities. Users can access real-time data analytics and performance metrics, allowing them to identify potential issues before they become significant problems. This predictive maintenance functionality can significantly reduce downtime and maintenance costs while enhancing overall system reliability.

The Siemens K44 also prioritizes user experience, featuring an intuitive interface that simplifies system management. Operators can easily navigate through various functionalities and access necessary information quickly, leading to increased productivity and efficiency in daily operations.

In conclusion, the Siemens K44 stands out as a comprehensive industrial communication solution tailored for the transportation sector. Its modular design, advanced communication technologies, safety features, diagnostics capabilities, and user-friendly interface make it a compelling choice for organizations looking to enhance their operational efficiency and safety in an increasingly complex environment. With the K44, Siemens continues to set the standard for innovative solutions in the transportation industry.