Siemens AG 2003, M:\Mobil\R65\CF62_TMO\en\sug\A65_Records.fm
35Call Log
VAR Language: en; VAR issue date: 040413
left page (35) of CF62 Leopard TMO SUG us, A31008-H6050-A40-1-4A19 (02.06.2004, 16:09)
Call Log

Call Log

Your phone stores the phone num-
bers of calls for convenient redialing.
§Menu§ KZ
§Select§ Press.
ISelect call list and
ISelect phone number.
ADial phone number.
Missed Calls b
The phone numbers of calls that you
have received but not answered are
stored for call back purposes.
Icon for missed call.
Received Calls b
Accepted calls are listed.
Dialed Calls
Access to the last numbers dialed.
AFast access in standby
Clear Log
The records are deleted.
Call list menu
§Options§ Edit entries.