Siemens AG 2003, M:\Mobil\R65\CF62_TMO\en\sug\A65_Explorer.fm
My Stuff62
VAR Language: en; VAR issue date: 040413
left page (62) of CF62 Leopard TMO SUG us, A31008-H6050-A40-1-4A19 (02.06.2004, 16:09)
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§Menu§ KÑ KExtrasKStopwatch
Two intermediate times can be
recorded and saved.
*Intermediate time.
§Start§ Start stopwatch.
§Reset§ Reset.


§Menu§ KyKCountdown
A set time elapses. The last 4seconds
are indicated by a beep. At the end a
special beep sounds.
§Set§ Set period of time.
§Start§ Start counter.
§Stop§ Interrupt counter.
§Change§ Change period of time.
§Reset§ Reset counter to starting
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