Status Information

uFirewall for your Internet connection turned off

Your network is not protected against hackers making unauthorised access from the Internet. The section entitled "Firewall" on page 78 describes how to avoid this secu- rity risk.

uAddress translation for your Internet connection turned off

The clients in your network are not protected against unauthorised access from the Internet. The section entitled "Setting up the NAT Function" on page 85 describes how to avoid this security risk.

uOne or more of your local clients directly exposed to the Internet

One or more clients in your network are directly visible to the Internet as exposed hosts and therefore particularly exposed to risk (for example from hacker attacks). You should only activate this function if it is absolutely necessary (e.g. to operate a Web server) and other functions (e.g. port forwarding) are not adequate. In this case, you should take appropriate measures on the clients concerned. The section entitled "Opening the Firewall for Selected PCs (Exposed Host)" on page 89 describes how to avoid this security risk.

uRemote management enabled

Any user, including unauthorised ones, who gains knowledge of the system pass- word for your device can access your device's configuration program via the Inter- net. The section entitled "Setting up Remote Management" on page 121 describes how to avoid this security risk.

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