Configuring the Advanced Settings

Setting Wireless Security

If you are sending data over wireless channels, we recommend that you activate encryption (WEP or WPA) on your wireless network components. WPA offers greater security than WEP. We therefore recommend that you choose WPA encryption if it is supported by all components in your wireless network.

WPA is a more advanced procedure than WEP for protecting wireless networks. Dynamic keys based on TKIP (Temporal Key Integration Protocol) offer increased security. The new WPA2 standard is based on AES.

WPA also supports the use of an authentication server.

ìIn the Wireless Network menu, select Encryption & Authentication.

The following security mechanisms are currently available:

uWPA2-PSK and WPA2-PSK / WPA-PSK (see page 98)

uWAP2 and WPA2 / WPA with authentication server (see page 99) u WEP encryption (Wired Equivalent Privacy) (see page 100)