The dialog box will open with a default file name of “newfile”. It is recommended
that you change the name to something more meaningful, like the name of the radio site
or a version number of your own making. If you enter “bigmountain” for example, you
will create a configuration file named bigmountain.cfg. To create your configuration
file, just press the generate button and in a few seconds you are done.
The newly created configuration file can be read or “loaded” into the config program at
any time, edited or downloaded to your control system.
6. Download configuration to the controller
Now that your configuration file is done, you are ready to download it to your control
system. Select menu Program / Write configuration to controller. The download
dialog box looks like this…
This dialog box will allow you to select which parts of the configuration are to sent to
the control system. You don’t have to send the whole configuration. For example, if
you only changed the callsign you might want to select just the “basic configuration”
selection. Then click “Program Controller”. Only the checked sections of the
configuration will be sent to the controller.