Option 3, “Cal. Type”
This option changes the sample type being displayed. Toggles between “std.” (standardized or mass flow readings as used by MFM or MFC
devices) and “vol.” (volumetric readings as used on PD/rotameters)
8.7 Setup Menu 2, Reading Type, # in Average & Minutes/Reading
Option 1, “Reading Type”
Toggles between “Cont” (continuous auto-read) and “Burst” (performs continuous auto-read, then stops after the quantity in averaging
sequence is reached [as programmed below in Setup Menu 2, Option 2, # in Average])
Option 2, “# in Average”
Changes the quantity in an averaging sequence (consecutive readings) from 1 to 100. When used in “Burst” mode, the Cal=Trak stops after
this number of readings.
Option 3, “Min./Reading”
Specifies the time interval (in minutes) between flow readings. A setting of “00” means continuous readings (no interval).
8.8 Setup Menu 3, Pressure Units, Temp. Units, and Temp. Correction Factor
Option 1, “Pres. Units”
This option allows you to toggle between pressure units of: mmHg, kPa, mBar, or PSI
Option 2, “Temp. Units”
This option allows you to set the temperature units for ° F or ° C.
Option 3, “Temp Corr”
This option is used to set the standardization (mass flow) reference temperature. Use the keypad to enter the numerical value of the
reference temperature. For mass flow units of slpm, a reference temperature of 21.1°C is commonly used. For mass flow units of nlpm, a
reference temperature of 0.0°C is common. Check the specific reference conditions for each DUT.
8.9 Setup Menu 4, Date, Time & Battery Voltage
This menu has an alternate navigation method.