Symbols View

The top part of the view window contains an option and combo boxes that are used for filtering. The bot- tom part of the window lists the symbols grouped by category. Symbols in your workspace are listed in the top group labeled "Workspace." The rest of the symbols are grouped by language or compiler.

Hover the mouse over the bitmap of a symbol to see a tooltip that shows the symbol’s signature and scope. To jump to the definition of a symbol in the code, pushing a bookmark in the process, double-click on any symbol. Press Ctrl+Comma to go back.

Filtering Symbols in the Symbols View

The symbols listed in the symbol browser can be filtered using the Class and Member combo boxes. The Class combo box filters the items listed under the Classes folder. The Member combo box filters the items listed under any displayed classes or under any of the other folders, like Global Variables, Static Variables, Defines, etc. Enter multiple words in either combo box to search for items containing either word.

For example:

Enter person into the Class combo box to find all classes containing the word "person".

Enter person manager into the Member combo box to find all members, variables, etc. containing the word "person" or "manager".


• The filters are case-sensitive, so be sure to type the values in the same case.


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Slick V3.3 manual Filtering Symbols in the Symbols View