3-Way Merge Dialog

these groups instead of having just one flat list of imports.

Number of package nesting levels to group imports by - If this is set to 1, import statements will be grouped by top-level package name only. For example, all your imports from java. packages would be in a separate group from your imports from com. packages. If set to 2, import statements will be grouped by second level package names. For example, all your imports from java.util would be in a separate group from your imports from java.awt.

Automatically add import during code help for Java - If selected, SlickEdit® Core will attempt to automatically add imports as you edit Java code.

Automatically add import during code help for JSP - If selected, SlickEdit Core will attempt to auto- matically add imports as you edit Java code embedded in HTML. JSP imports are added using the fol- lowing notation: <%@ page import="java.util.Vector"%>.

Package sort order - This list specifies the order in which package groups are sorted. Use the El- lipses (...) button to add a new package. Use the Up and Down arrow buttons to move items. Use the X button to delete the currently selected package from the list.

3-Way Merge Dialog

The 3-Way Merge dialog (Tools File Merge) is used for merging file differences.

Figure 10.18. 3-Way Merge Dialog


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Slick V3.3 manual Way Merge Dialog