UNIX Regular Expressions




UNIX Regular Expression











Matches any character not specified by char-set.



A dash (-) character may be used to specify ranges.




[char-set1 - [char-set2]]


Character set subtraction. Matches all characters in



char-set1except the characters in char-set2.



The expression [^A-Z]matches all characters ex-



cept uppercase letters. For example, [a-z-[qw]]



matches all English lowercase letters except q and



w. [\p{L}-[qw]]matches all Unicode lowercase let-



ters except q and w.

[char-set1 & [char-set2]


Character set intersection. Matches all characters in



char-set1that are also in char-set2. For ex-



ample, [\x{0}-\x{7f}&[\p{L}]]matches all letters



between 0 and 127.






Matches up to 31-bit Unicode hexadecimal charac-



ter specified by hhhh.






(Only valid in character set) Matches characters in



UnicodeCategorySpec. Where UnicodeCat-



egorySpec uses the standard general categories



specified by the Unicode consortium. For example,



[\p{L}] matches all letters. [\p{Lu}] matches all up-



percase letters. See Unicode Category Specifica-



tions for Regular Expressions.






(Only valid in character set) Matches characters not



in UnicodeCategorySpec. For example, [\P{L}]



matches all characters that are not letters. This is



equivalent to [^\p{L}]. [\P{Lu}] matches all charac-



ters that are not uppercase letters. See Unicode



Category Specifications for Regular Expressions.






(Only valid in character set) Matches characters in



UnicodeIsBlockSpec. Where UnicodeIsB-



lockSpec one of the standard character blocks



specified by the Unicode consortium. For example,



[\p{isGreek}] matches Unicode characters in the



Greek block. See Unicode Character Blocks for



Regular Expressions.






(Only valid in character set) Matches characters not



in UnicodeIsBlockSpec. For example,



[\P{isGreek}] matches all characters that are not in





Page 544
Image 544
Slick V3.3 manual Unix Regular Expression Definition, xhhhh