Slick V3.3 Idchars=startidchars afteridchars, Styles= style, Nesting followedby idchars colorname

Models: V3.3

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Creating a Lexer Name and a

New VLX File





case-sensitive= [Y N]

Defines the case sensitivity for the language. This


statement must be the first or second statement


within the section.



idchars=start_id_chars after_id_chars

Defines the characters that are the start of a valid


identifier and additional valid characters that may


follow. This statement must be the first or second


statement within the section. You may use a dash


(-) character to specify a range, for example, A-Z


specifies uppercase letters. To specify a dash or


backslash (\) character as a valid word character,


place a backslash before the character.



styles= style

Defines zero or more styles. See Table of style Val-


ues below for a list of available styles.



mlcomment= start_symbol end_symbol

Defines a multi-line comment. start_symbol and

[nesting] [followedby idchars] [colorname]

end_symbol define strings which start and end the


comment. Specify nesting if the lexer should look


for another occurrence of start_symbol when


looking for the end comment symbol. The fol-


lowedby idchars is used to require certain char-


acters to follow start_symbol. You can use a


dash (-) character to specify a range, such as A-Z,


which specifies uppercase letters. To specify a


dash (-) or backslash (\) character as a valid word


character, place a backslash before the character.


followedby is ignored when the html style is spe-


cified. Currently, start_symbol and end_symbol


may not be valid identifiers. No more than four


multi-line comments may be defined. colorname


can be used to indicate that a different color such


as keyword color be used instead of comment color


when a match is found. colorname may be


keywordcolor, numbercolor, stringcolor, com-


mentcolor, ppkeywordcolor, linenumcolor, sym-


bol1color, symbol2color, symbol3color, or sym-



mlcomment= start_symbol start_col

Defines a multi-line comment. This construct was

[checkfirstleading] end_symbol [lastchar]

designed to handle comments for the ATLAS lan-


guage. start_symbol and end_symbol define


strings which start and end the comment.


start_symbol is only considered the start of a


comment if it appears in column start_col.


checkfirst specifies that the lexer should check if






Page 514
Image 514
Slick V3.3 manual Idchars=startidchars afteridchars, Styles= style, Nesting followedby idchars colorname, Bol4color