1.4Using GAP standard compliance
The GAP standard guarantees that all DECT™ GAP handsets and base stations comply with a minimum operating standard irrespective of their mark.Your CD140/145 handset and base station are GAP compliant, which means the minimum guaranteed functions are: register a handset, take the line, receive a call and dial.The advanced features may not be available if you use another handset than a CD140/145 with your base station.
To register and use your CD140/145 handsets with a GAP standard base station of a different make, first follow the procedure described in the manufacturer’s instructions, then follow the procedure described in Section 3.5.
To register a handset of another make to the
CD140/145 base station, place the base station into registration mode (Section 3.5), then follow the procedure in the manufacturer’s instructions.
1.5Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields (“EMF”)
1Philips Royal Electronics manufactures and sells many consumers oriented products, which usually, as with any electronic apparatus, have the ability to emit and receive electro magnetic signals.
2One of Philips' leading Business Principles is to take all necessary health and safety precautions for our products, to comply with all applicable legal requirements and to stay well within the EMF standards applicable at the time of producing the products.